Commonly Known to most as Merging.
However, if you consider the use of the word ZIP, it is exactly how drivers should treat it.
One car from one lane goes ahead and then the next car from the other lane goes ahead
and so on and so forth until there are possibly no cars left in the right lane.
Too many drivers have the attitude of "you're not getting past me" or think that other vehicle are queue jumping, where in reality they are helping to reduce the queue.
If you have one long length of 20 cars the back up is going to be 20 cars in length.
However, if you have two lanes of cars that are 10 cars deep, you have halved the length of the initial queue.
If drivers from both lanes then have the courtesy that they were taught when they learned to drive, the merge in turn would work perfectly well and traffic would keep flowing.
All the time there are drivers "fighting" for the slot, just to be one car further ahead it just ludicrous and can be very unsafe!
Where there is a merge lane, always be totally aware to who is to either side of you depending what lane you are in, and ensure that it is safe to merge before you merge. Just shutting your eyes (not looking in the mirrors) and you're likely to put yourself in a tricky situation.
But as much as we may not like them, we all know that there is probably some maintenance work coming up. Which is a good thing right?
Yet something inside certain drivers makes this sign a "let's fight sign"
"I'm not letting anyone past me" Attitude.
The big question is why?
The lane that is closing has NOT YET CLOSED.
By using all the available lanes right up to the point where the lane closes, the driver of the white car is helping to keep congestions down.
If all road users moved into lane 2 at the 800m, 600m, or 400m signs, they would only be creating more congestion into
Lanes 2 and 1.
It's now the responsibility of the other vehicles to allow the white car to merge into lane 2.
Attempting to block the white car from joining Lane 2 will only cause further disruption and congestion.
Irrelevant of your own personal opinion about drivers trying to jump a queue.
The drivers using the closing lane right up to the point it closes are literally doing what EVERYONE should be doing.
This sign does not translate to
Take the law into your own hands and become a nuisance on the roads just because you are not apply to the rules yourself.
It should NEVER be a drivers responsibility to enforce the law because they think they are right.
A defensive driver makes a good driver and shows consideration and applies the rules of the road.
A poor driver thinks they own the road and can control other road users by their actions.
A law enforcer is a Policeman or Police woman and it is their role to enforce the rules if someone is not complying to them, NOT YOURS!
RULE 134.
You should follow the signs and road markings and get into the lane as directed. In congested road conditions do not change lanes unnecessarily. Merging in turn is recommended but only if safe and appropriate when vehicles are travelling at a very low speed, e.g. when approaching road works or a road traffic incident. It is not recommended at high speed.